Supporting Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

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Thank you for booking onto the Supporting Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing webinar Diolch am gadwl lle ar Gweminar Cefnogi Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant Plant

Supporting Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

Supporting Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing/Cefnogi Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant Plant

By The Open University in Wales | Y Brifysgol Agored

Date and time

Wed, 27 Jan 2021 01:15 - 02:15 PST



About this event

This webinar will focus on the development of children’s emotional and social resilience, and the importance of play to develop emotions, delivered by one of the Open University’s Educational Psychologists who specialises on child-directed play, creativity and active listening with children.

You will gain some invaluable knowledge and activities to take away to support your practice, including UNICEF's (2020) six ways to support children.

Children’s mental health and wellbeing is a growing concern, particularly during this pandemic.

This webinar will highlight some of the practical things that can be done to improve children’s sense of wellbeing and help prevent poor mental health in the future.

Who should attend:

Anyone who works within youth Mental Health and Wellbeing, teachers, youth group workers, children from a young age upward, or people with children who find it challenging to express themselves.


Bydd y weminar hon yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu gwytnwch emosiynol a chymdeithasol plant, a phwysigrwydd chwarae i ddatblygu emosiynau, a gyflwynir gan un o Seicolegwyr Addysg y Brifysgol Agored sy'n arbenigo mewn chwarae dan gyfarwyddyd i blant, creadigrwydd a gwrando gweithredol gyda phlant.

Byddwch yn cael rhywfaint o wybodaeth a gweithgareddau amhrisiadwy i gefnogi eich ymarfer, gan gynnwys chwe ffordd y mae UNICEF (2020) wedi adnabod i gefnogi plant.

Mae iechyd meddwl a llesiant plant yn bryder cynyddol, yn enwedig yn ystod y pandemig hwn.

Bydd y weminar hon yn tynnu sylw at rai o'r pethau ymarferol y gellir eu gwneud i wella ymdeimlad plant o lesiant ac yn helpu i atal iechyd meddwl gwael yn y dyfodol.

Pwy ddylai fynychu:

Unrhyw un sy'n gweithio yn y maes Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant ieuenctid, athrawon, gweithwyr grŵp ieuenctid, plant o oedran ifanc i fyny, neu bobl sydd â phlant sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd mynegi eu hunain.

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